শনিবার, ১১ মে, ২০১৩

Rand Paul for president? Why else is he in Iowa?

US Sen. Rand Paul is making a splash in Iowa this weekend, and he'll soon visit New Hampshire and South Carolina. Can the libertarian-tinged maverick Republican successfully run for president?

By Brad Knickerbocker,?Staff writer / May 11, 2013

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., greats supporters after speaking at the Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner event Friday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sen. Paul opened his presidential exploration tour with a splashy set of speaking engagements in Iowa designed to broaden his tea party brand.

Matthew Holst/AP


He hasn?t announced it as such, but Sen. Rand Paul is taking major steps to launch a 2016 presidential bid.

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This weekend he?s in Iowa, to be followed by trips to New Hampshire and South Carolina ? early and important states in the Republican race to choose a nominee.

Like his father before him ? retired US Rep. Ron Paul (R) of Texas, who ran for the White House three times ? Sen. Paul of Kentucky leans libertarian, which raises two important questions about his future:

Can he generate the enthusiastic, loyal following his father did over the years ? mostly younger idealists geared to flood the primary/caucus season?

And will more traditional Republicans ? however you want to define a ?traditional? GOP these days ? come to accept his position on things like immigration, gay marriage, and national security?

?He?s the most fascinating guy in politics today in America,? David Carney, a New Hampshire-based Republican strategist, told nky.com, a Gannett online news site for northern Kentucky. ?But on widespread appeal, I think the jury?s out.?

The way Paul sees it, "People are looking for something different.?

?You might accuse me of being not exactly the traditional cookie-cutter Republican," he told reporters Friday during a string of political events in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "I do know the GOP needs to grow and I want to be part of growing the GOP."

"We need to have a Republican Party that looks like the rest of America. We need a more inclusive, diverse party," he said. "We cannot compete unless we are going to go out and say to African-Americans, we want you in our party."

For instance, Paul favors relaxing federal sentencing laws for drug crimes, which disproportionately penalize racial minorities.

He?s also against a federal ban on same-sex marriage. Personally, he thinks ?marriage? means one man and one woman. But he?d leave it up to the states to set their own laws and regulations ? which does not sit well with many social conservatives in the Republican Party.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/Ci172lSuKVw/Rand-Paul-for-president-Why-else-is-he-in-Iowa

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