রবিবার, ২৩ জুন, ২০১৩

Military Auto Loans With Bad Credit: Trouble Free Car Financing ...

Getting a car loan wh?n b?? credit ?? ??rt ?f th? equation ?? n?t a simple matter th?t comes promises ?n? kind ?f guarantee, b?t f?r members ?f th? military, th?? ??n ?t ????t ?n??? ?n advantage over civilian loans. Getting military auto loans w?th b?? credit ?? far less troublesome f?r a variety ?f reasons, b?t n?t ???r? loan t? military members ?? guaranteed ??th?r.

A?? applications m??t satisfy ??rt??n criteria ?f securing loan approval ?? something th?t th? applicant ?? t? look forward t?. Common loan qualifying issues, ??k? age, citizenship ?n? income, apply b?t ?t ?? ???? n??????r? t? prove th?t th? applicant ?? a current ?r former member ?f th? US military.

F?r genuine applicants, qualifying ?? n?t going t? b? difficult, ?n? th? range ?f benefits th?t come w?th auto loans f?r military personnel, ??n b? fully ?n?????.

Proving Qualification

A? already mentioned, satisfying th? set criteria ?? n?t difficult f?r genuine applicants. In fact, getting a military auto loan w?th b?? credit comes down t? proving th?? ?r? over 18, ?r? citizens ?f th? US ?n? h??? a reliable source ?f income. Th?t ?? th? starting point.

Proving a military background ?? simple t??, w?th th? applicant simply needing t? provide confirmation ?f th??r rank, th??r deployment, ?n? th??r commanding officer. Th?? ??n b? done b? simply providing office military ID. F?r former members, th??? details ??n b? checked out b? th? lenders. A?? ?n ???, securing loan approval ?? always high.

Wh?t ?? more, w?th many loans, th? credit history ?f th? applicant ?? ?ft?n ignored, ?? auto loans f?r military personnel ?r? arguably one ?f th? m??t straightforward loans t? secure.

Advantages ?f Military Finance

Th?r? ?r? several advantages t? seeking military auto loans w?th b?? credit b?t th? b?????t one ?? clearly th? lower interest rate th?t ?? charged. M??t traditional lenders ?? n?t offer such br??k? t? civilian b?? credit borrowers, b?t th?r? ?r? clear reasons wh? military lenders ??.

Th? fact th?t a military member ?? employed b? th? US government means th??r employment status ?? extremely secure. Th?? means th?t th? source ?f income ?? secure ?n? ?? th? ability t? m?k? repayments ?? guaranteed. S?, th? chances ?f securing loan approval ?? ??m??t assured.

An? b?????? th? degree ?f risk ?? ?? small, th? interest rates ?r? kept very low. Th?r? ?r? ???? ?th?r advantages, w?th flexibility over th? repayment schedule allowing f?r shorter ?n? longer terms depending ?n preferences. It ?? ???? possible t? m?k? ??r??r loan repayments without having being charged fees, ?? getting ?n auto loan, f?r military personnel ??rt??n??, ?? very affordable.

Locating th? Best Deal

A? w?th ??? loans, finding th? best possible loan deal ?? ?m??rt?nt. Even w?th military auto loans w?th b?? credit a bit ?f searching ?? necessary. One ?f th? more reliable sources ?f loans ?r? th? certified military lenders th?t ?r? t? b? found online.

An? ?? long ?? th? criteria ?? met, ?n? bank details ?r? provided through wh??h funds ??n b? deposited ?n? repayments directly withdrawn, th? likelihood ?f securing loan approval ?? extremely ????.

Th? military credit union ?? ???? a ???? loan source, offering th? maximum benefits ?f getting ?n auto loan f?r military personnel. Crucially, ?? well ?? low interest, th? military credit union ?? used t? approving loans, ?? th?r? ?? ??tt?? reason t? believe th? application w???? fail.

Source: http://www.deannaproach.com/military-auto-loans-with-bad-credit-trouble-free-car-financing/

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শনিবার, ২২ জুন, ২০১৩

Mobile Helix launches HTML5 platform - Computer Business Review

Duncan Macrae Published 21 June 2013

Mobile Helix, the enterprise application and data security platform provider, has launched Link, which it describes as the industry?s first pure HTML5 platform.

Link unlocks enterprise productivity by combining unparalleled security for enterprise data; a unique, open HTML5 application development and delivery platform; and breakthrough patent-pending performance enhancement technology.

Link is designed with data security rather than device security at its core, delivering unparalleled security irrespective of the endpoint. The technology bridges the fixed/mobile application divide by allowing any existing or new browser-based enterprise application to be deployed across multiple device types, including mobile devices, PCs and laptops. Link supports iOS and Android now, and will support Windows 8, Mac OSX and Blackberry 10 later this year.

Link embraces HTML5 and extends the standard to meet the most exacting set of enterprise requirements, including data security, device capability integration and performance optimization. HTML is the most commonly used development platform within enterprises, meaning companies using Link do not have to invest in any additional skills or infrastructure to enable secure mobility across their business.

Seth Hallem, CEO of Mobile Helix, said: "Link is designed with unrestricted enterprise productivity at its core. It is the first product on the market to combine the unmistakable benefits of device-independent applications built using HTML5, with a disruptive data security platform that ensures sensitive corporate data is safe on any device.

"We believe the notion that fixed and mobile applications require different development, delivery and security solutions is fundamentally flawed. Enterprises don't have the time or budget to simply throw out years of investment in standards-based IT and take a completely new, and often proprietary, approach to mobility. IT needs a unified strategy for building new apps and converting existing ones, while still ensuring data is protected under any circumstance and on any computing device. Link achieves this goal without requiring complicated and costly new infrastructure or expertise."

Link is constructed with optimised data security, rather than device security at its core. This is a fundamental shift in the enterprise security model that leverages unique features of both mobile operating systems and modern browser technology. The result is a more robust, yet simpler, security system than existing PC-based and mobile-device-based solutions. Link achieves this without placing any restrictions or limitations on the devices used. Even when devices are 'rooted' or 'jailbroken', Link ensures that corporate data is not at risk. Link includes a secure container on the device, fully device-independent encryption of all data in motion and at rest, a sophisticated key management architecture that ensures encrypted data remains safe, and a comprehensive policy engine that allows IT to enforce policies on applications and data rather than on devices.

Maribel Lopez, founder and principal analyst of Lopez Research, commented: "Contrary to popular opinion, mobile operating systems aren't necessarily less secure than PC operating systems. A tablet or smartphone with the right data security posture can be as, if not more, secure than a typical corporate laptop. PCs are perceived to be safe because of the numerous security 'band aids' that are applied to them, such as anti-virus, full-disk encryption, DLP and network access control."

Link creates a common application environment by deploying applications through Internet browsers, embracing standards-based technology to deliver an open, end-to-end solution. This, in turn, extends existing enterprise application development, delivery infrastructure and expertise to mobile devices. Link integrates with existing IT processes and infrastructure to enable a simplified 'download free' application delivery and support model, removing the need for a separate enterprise app store, app catalogue, and dedicated distribution and update processes for every different application and mobile operating system.

Lopez added: "For employees to be effective in their roles, critical enterprise data and applications must flow unrestricted across devices and networks. The power of mobility is clear, yet the enterprise mobility market today is crowded and confusing. Firms need mobile solutions that can integrate with existing enterprise infrastructure."

Source: http://www.cbronline.com/news/mobile-helix-launches-html5-platform

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News Summary: Cuba, US try talking

GETTING WARMER?: Cuba and the U.S. have taken some baby steps toward rapprochement in recent weeks that have people on the island and in Washington wondering if a breakthrough in relations could be just over the horizon.

BEEN THERE: Skeptics caution that the Cold War enemies have been here many times before, only to fall back into old recriminations.

TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE: Even the limited moves have sparked fierce criticism by those long opposed to engagement. Meanwhile, others say the Obama administration is too concerned with upsetting Cuban-American politicians and has missed opportunities to engage with Cuba at a crucial time in its history.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/news-summary-cuba-us-try-173706869.html

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Wing walker, pilot die in crash at Ohio air show

Flames erupt from a plane after it crashed at the Vectren Air Show at the airport in Dayton, Ohio. The crash killed the pilot and stunt walker on the plane instantly, authorities said. (AP Photo/Dayton Daily News, Ty Greenlees)

Flames erupt from a plane after it crashed at the Vectren Air Show at the airport in Dayton, Ohio. The crash killed the pilot and stunt walker on the plane instantly, authorities said. (AP Photo/Dayton Daily News, Ty Greenlees)

This photo provided provided WHIO TV shows a plane after it crashed Saturday, June 22, 2013, at the Vectren Air Show near Dayton, Ohio. There was no immediate word on the fate of the pilot, wing walker or anyone else aboard the plane. No one on the ground was hurt. (AP Photo/WHIO-TV)

Map locates Vectren Air Show, Dayton, Ohio; 1c x 3 inches; 46.5 mm x 76 mm;

(AP) ? A plane carrying a wing walker crashed at an air show and exploded into flames Saturday, killing the pilot and stunt walker, authorities said.

The crash of the 450 HP Stearman happened at around 12:45 p.m. at the Vectren Air Show near Dayton in front of thousands of horrified spectators. No one else was hurt.

A video posted on WHIO-TV shows the plane turn upside-down as the performer sits on top of the wing. The plane then tilts and crashes to the ground, erupting into flames as spectators screamed.

Ian Hoyt, an aviation photographer and licensed pilot from Findlay, was at the show with his girlfriend. He told The Associated Press he was taking photos as the plane passed by and had just raised his camera to take another shot.

"Then I realized they were too low and too slow. And before I knew it, they hit the ground," he said.

He couldn't tell exactly what happened, but it appeared that the plane stalled and didn't have enough air speed, he said. He credited the pilot for steering clear of spectators and potentially saving lives.

"Had he drifted more, I don't know what would have happened," Hoyt said. He said he had been excited to see the show because he'd never seen the scheduled performer ? wing walker Jane Wicker ? in action.

On the video, the announcer narrates as the plane glides through the sky and rolls over while the stuntwoman perches on a wing.

"Now she's still on that far side. Keep an eye on Jane. Keep an eye on Charlie. Watch this! Jane Wicker, sitting on top of the world," the announcer said, right before the plane makes a quick turn and nosedive.

Federal records show that biplane was registered to Wicker, who lived in Loudon, Va. A man who answered the phone at a number listed for Wicker on her website said he had no comment and hung up.

One of the pilots listed on Wicker's website was named Charlie Schwenker. A post on Jane Wicker Airshows' Facebook page announced the deaths of Wicker and Schwenker and asked for prayers for their families.

A message left at a phone listing for Charles Schwenker in Oakton, Va., wasn't immediately returned.

Dayton International Airport spokeswoman Linda Hughes and Ohio State Highway Patrol Lt. Anne Ralston confirmed that a pilot and stunt walker had died but declined to give their names. The air show also declined to release their identities.

The show was canceled for the rest of the day, but organizers said events would resume Sunday and follow the previous schedule and normal operations. The National Transportation Safety Board said it is investigating the crash.

Another spectator, Shawn Warwick of New Knoxville, told the Dayton Daily News that he was watching the flight through binoculars.

"I noticed it was upside-down really close to the ground. She was sitting on the bottom of the plane," he said. "I saw it just go right into the ground and explode."

Than Tran, of Fairfield, said he could see a look of concern on the wing walker's face just before the plane went down.

"She looked very scared," he said. "Then the airplane crashed on the ground. After that, it was terrible, man ... very terrible."

Wicker's website says she responded to a classified ad from the Flying Circus Airshow in Bealeton, Va., in 1990, for a wing-walking position, thinking it would be fun. She was a contract employee who worked as a Federal Aviation Administration budget analyst, the FAA said.

She told WDTN-TV in an interview this week that her signature move was hanging underneath the plane's wing by her feet and sitting on the bottom of the airplane while it's upside-down.

"I'm never nervous or scared because I know if I do everything as I usually do, everything's going to be just fine," she told the station.

Wicker wrote on her website that she had never had any close calls.

"What you see us do out there is after an enormous amount of practice and fine tuning, not to mention the airplane goes through microscopic care. It is a managed risk and that is what keeps us alive," she wrote.

In 2011, wing walker Todd Green fell 200 feet to his death at an air show in Michigan while performing a stunt in which he grabbed the skid of a helicopter.

In 2007, veteran stunt pilot Jim LeRoy was killed at the Dayton show when his biplane slammed into the runway while performing loop-to-loops and caught fire.

Organizers were presenting a trimmed-down show and expected smaller crowds at Dayton after the Air Force Thunderbirds and other military participants pulled out this year because of federal budget cuts.

The air show, one of the country's oldest, usually draws around 70,000 people and has a $3.2 million impact on the local economy. Without military aircraft and support, the show expected attendance to be off 30 percent or more.


Thomas reported from Philadelphia. Associated Press writers Kerry Lester in Chicago and Randy Pennell in Philadelphia contributed to this report.



Raw video of crash: http://bit.ly/11Vf7JA

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-06-22-US-Air-Show-Crash/id-15e27eb9ec9b4eca97f7139f4005004a

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শুক্রবার, ২১ জুন, ২০১৩

Sprint bumps offer for Clearwire to $5 per share, valuing the company at $14 billion


Large number of Clearwire minority shareholders on-board with the deal

Sprint announced today that it has entered an agreement to buy the half of Clearwire that it does not already own for $5 per share, beating Dish's current offer by $0.60 per share. The revised deal values Clearwire at $14 billion, represents a 47-percent increase over Sprint's previous offer of $3.40 per share and a 285-percent premium over Clearwire's stock price the day before Sprint and SoftBank confirmed acquisition talks in October 2012. The new offer is a win all-around for stockholders of Clearwire looking to get top dollar on their shares, a large number of which have now voiced their support.

Sprint claims that several large investors totaling 9-percent of Clearwire's voting shares have committed to the new offer, as have Comcast, Intel and Bright House Networks (which hold another 13-percent). The aforementioned groups together with Clearwire's directors and officers represent 45-percent of the company's voting shares not controlled by Sprint, and have agreed to vote for the deal. Combine those votes with the other shareholders who have previously voiced approval for the Sprint-SoftBank acquisition and Sprint expects to get a majority of Clearwire shareholders to approve its deal in the end.

read more


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/-GOAO-w5Ykc/story01.htm

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Source: http://articles.submityourarticle.com/streaming-movies-online-is-easy-334517

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Watchdog faults background check of NSA leaker

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A government watchdog testified Thursday there may have been problems with a security clearance background check conducted on the 29-year-old federal contractor who disclosed previously secret National Security Agency programs for collecting phone records and Internet data ? just as news media disclosed more information about those programs.

Appearing at a Senate hearing, Patrick McFarland, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's inspector general, said USIS, the company that conducted the background investigation of former NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden, is now under investigation itself.

McFarland declined to say what triggered the inquiry of USIS or whether the probe is related to Snowden. But when asked by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., if there were any concerns about the USIS background check on Snowden, McFarland answered: "Yes, we do believe that there may be some problems."

Meanwhile, new details emerged about the scope of two recently disclosed NSA programs ? one that gathers U.S. phone records and another that is designed to track the use of U.S.-based Internet servers by foreigners with possible links to terrorism.

Two new documents published Thursday by The Guardian newspaper ? one labeled "top secret" and the other "secret" ? said NSA can keep copies of intercepted communications from or about U.S. citizens indefinitely if the material contains significant intelligence or evidence of crimes.

McFarland declined after the Senate hearing to describe to reporters the type of investigation his office is conducting. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said she was told the inquiry is a criminal investigation related "to USIS' systemic failure to adequately conduct investigations under its contract."

"We are limited in what we can say about this investigation because it is an ongoing criminal matter," said McCaskill, chairwoman of the Senate subcommittee on financial and contracting oversight. "But it is a reminder that background investigations can have real consequences for our national security."

McCaskill's panel conducted the hearing jointly with Tester's subcommittee on efficiency and effectiveness of federal programs.

USIS, based in Falls Church, Va., said in a statement that it has never been informed that it is under criminal investigation. USIS received a subpoena from the inspector general's office in January 2012 for records, the statement said. "USIS complied with that subpoena and has cooperated fully with the government's civil investigative efforts," according to the company.

USIS declined to comment on whether it conducted a background investigation of Snowden. The company said it performs thousands of background investigations each year for OPM and other government agencies. "These investigations are confidential and USIS does not comment on them," the USIS statement said.

The background check USIS performed on Snowden was done in 2011 and was part of periodic reinvestigations that are required for employees who hold security clearances, according to McFarland and Michelle Schmitz, the assistant inspector general for investigations at OPM.

Schmitz said the investigation of USIS commenced later in 2011.

Booz Allen Hamilton, the company where Snowden was working at the time of the disclosures, fired him for violations of the firm's code of ethics and firm policy. The company said he had been a Booz Allen employee for less than three months.

Snowden worked previously at the CIA and probably obtained his security clearance there. But like others who leave the government to join private contractors, he was able to keep his clearance after he left and began working for outside firms.

Of the 4.9 million people with clearance to access "confidential and secret" government information, 1.1 million, or 21 percent, work for outside contractors, according to a January report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Of the 1.4 million who have the higher "top secret" access, 483,000, or 34 percent, work for contractors.

OPM's Federal Investigative Services division performs almost all the background investigations for federal agencies and nearly 75 percent of the investigators who perform background checks are contractors, according to information on the agency's website.

At the hearing, McFarland called for much closer oversight of the investigators who conduct background checks. He said that 18 background investigators and record searchers have been criminally convicted since 2006 for fabricating information in background reports.

McFarland's office is actively working on 11 fabrication cases and another 36 cases involving background investigators are pending, according to data he provided to the subcommittees.

Of the 18 investigators who were criminally convicted, 11 were federal employees and seven were contractors. Of the 47 active and pending cases, six involve federal employees and 41 involve contractors, according to McFarland.

The new documents revealed by The Guardian were signed by Attorney General Eric Holder. They include point-by-point directions on how an NSA employee must work to determine that a person being targeted has not entered the United States. If NSA finds the target has entered the U.S., it will stop gathering phone and Internet data immediately, the documents say.

If supervisors determine that information on a U.S. person or a target who entered the U.S. was intentionally targeted, that information is destroyed, according to the documents.

But if a foreign target has conversations with an American or a U.S.-based person whom NSA supervisors determine is related to terrorism, or contains significant intelligence or evidence of crimes, that call or email or text message can be kept indefinitely. Encrypted communications also can be kept indefinitely, according the documents.

Administration officials had said the U.S. phone records NSA gathered could only be kept for five years. A fact sheet those officials provided to reporters mentioned no exceptions.

The documents outline fairly broad authority when the NSA monitors a foreigner's communications. For instance, if the monitored foreigner has been criminally indicted in the U.S. and is speaking to legal counsel, NSA has to cease monitoring the call. The agency, however, can log the call and mine it later so long as conversation protected by attorney-client privilege is not used in legal proceedings against the foreigner.

The NSA had no comment when asked about the newly revealed documents.


Follow Lardner on Twitter at https://twitter.com/rplardner and Dozier on Twitter at http://twitter.com/kimberlydozier

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/watchdog-faults-background-check-nsa-leaker-235639806.html

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সোমবার, ১৭ জুন, ২০১৩

Obama takes bolder Syria stand as G-8 talks open

FILE - In this May 13, 2013, file photo President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, right, walk off the stage after their joint White House news conference, where they spoke about Syria's civil war and other topics. Obama will be joining global leaders in Northern Ireland Monday, June 17, 2013, for the Group of Eight (G-8) summit of the world's top industrial nations, where after months of caution he is suddenly positioned more aggressively on Syria. He's expected to prod Britain and France to follow his lead in trying to arm the Syrian rebels, and press Russia to end its support for Syrian President Bashar Assad. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

FILE - In this May 13, 2013, file photo President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, right, walk off the stage after their joint White House news conference, where they spoke about Syria's civil war and other topics. Obama will be joining global leaders in Northern Ireland Monday, June 17, 2013, for the Group of Eight (G-8) summit of the world's top industrial nations, where after months of caution he is suddenly positioned more aggressively on Syria. He's expected to prod Britain and France to follow his lead in trying to arm the Syrian rebels, and press Russia to end its support for Syrian President Bashar Assad. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

FILE - In this June 18, 2012, file photo President Barack Obama and Russia?s President Vladimir Putin, left, go to shake hands during their bilateral meeting at the G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico. Obama will be joining global leaders in Northern Ireland Monday, June 17, 2013, for the Group of Eight (G-8) summit of the world's top industrial nations, where after months of caution he is suddenly positioned more aggressively on Syria. He's expected to prod Britain and France to follow his lead in trying to arm the Syrian rebels, and press Russia to end its support for Syrian President Bashar Assad.(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks to the media after his meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino, unseen, in Moscow, Russia, Saturday, June 15, 2013. Russia's foreign minister says the evidence put forth by the United States of chemical weapons use in Syria apparently doesn't meet stringent criteria for reliability. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

FILE - In this May 19, 2012, file photo President Barack Obama, center, with French President Francois Hollande, left, and British Prime Minister David Cameron, leads the first meeting of the G-8 Summit at Camp David, Md. Obama will be joining global leaders in Northern Ireland Monday, June 17, 2013, for the Group of Eight (G-8) summit of the world's top industrial nations, where after months of caution he is suddenly positioned more aggressively on Syria. He's expected to prod Britain and France to follow his lead in trying to arm the Syrian rebels, and press Russia to end its support of Syrian President Bashar Assad. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

Deputy National Security adviser Ben Rhodes gestures as he speaks during the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, Friday, June 14, 2013, in Washington. Rhodes discussed the ongoing conflict in Syria, and previewed the upcoming G8 trip. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

(AP) ? After months of caution, President Barack Obama suddenly is positioned more aggressively on Syria than the global leaders he's joining at a summit Monday, now that he has authorized weapons and ammunition shipments to struggling rebels.

Obama is expected to push Britain and France to take similar action when talks open in Northern Ireland among the Group of Eight leading industrial powers. The U.S., Britain and France also will urge Russian President Vladimir Putin to drop his political and military support for Syrian President Bashar Assad, still in power after more than two years of fighting.

"It's in Russia's interest to join us in applying pressure on Bashar Assad to come to the table in a way that relinquishes his power and his standing in Syria," said Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser. "We don't see any scenario where he restores his legitimacy to lead the country."

Obama and Putin plan separate talks on the sidelines of the summit, in what would be their first in-person meeting since Obama' re-election last November.

Russia analyst and Georgetown University professor Angela Stent said Putin probably will try to draw a distinction with Obama on Syria by portraying himself as a "guarantor of the absolute sovereignty of states."

"That may go down less well with the G-8 but has a broader appeal in the rest of the world," Stent said.

Also on the agenda for the two-day summit at a golf resort in Lough Erne are the global economy, a proposed U.S.-European Union trade agreement, and counterterrorism.

Obama will stop first in Belfast, where he will speak to young people about maintaining Northern Ireland's peace with its Irish neighbors. The president will cap his European trip with a visit to Germany for meetings with Chancellor Angela Merkel and a speech at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate.

Questions about the international response to the Syrian civil war seem likely to dominate. For months, Obama resisted calls, both in Washington and from global allies, for greater U.S. involvement, though he said repeatedly that the use of chemical weapons would cross a "red line" and change his calculus.

The White House said Thursday that it had conclusive evidence of the Assad government's use of chemical weapons. In response, U.S. officials said Obama had, for the first time, authorized lethal aid for the Syrian rebel forces. The exact type of weaponry and how quickly it would get to the opposition remained unclear.

Rhodes said Obama would consult on Syria with the G-8 leaders, particularly British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande. Both countries have indicated a willingness to arm the rebels but are yet to take that step.

"With the French and the British, they have shared our positions generally on Syria," Rhodes said. "He'll be discussing with those leaders what the best way forward is. He'll hear from them what their plans are."

Still, it appears almost impossible for the G-8 leaders to reach a consensus, given Putin's allegiance to Assad. Russia has called for a political dialogue between Assad and the opposition, but Putin has not called for the Syrian president to step down and opposes foreign military intervention.

Russia's foreign minister said Saturday that the U.S. evidence of chemical weapons apparently didn't meet stringent criteria for reliability. Sergey Lavrov also scoffed at suggestions that Assad would use such weapons now in light of its apparent growing advantage against the rebels. "The regime doesn't have its back to the wall. What would be the sense of the regime using chemical weapons, moreover at such a small quantity?" Lavrov said.

Secretary of State John Kerry told Iraq's foreign minister in a telephone call Friday that Assad's use of chemical weapons and the "increasing involvement" of Hezbollah fighters backing Assad threatens "to put a political settlement out of reach," according to the State Department.

Obama and Putin also will discuss missile defense and U.S. calls for further reductions of both countries' nuclear stockpiles. These issues have exposed a deep mistrust between the U.S. and Russia, and there is no expectation of a breakthrough.

The leaders will talk about counterterrorism cooperation following the April bombings at the Boston Marathon. The two brothers suspected in the attacks are ethnic Chechens who lived in the U.S. for more than a decade. Russia asked the U.S. to investigate the older brother before the attacks, but it's unclear what type of information Moscow provided, particularly related to his six-month stay in the Russian region of Dagestan before the bombings.

In Europe, Obama will be seeking a reprieve from the domestic controversies that have diverted attention from his second term agenda. They include the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative political groups; the resurgent investigation into the deadly attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya; the Justice Department's seizure of phone records from journalists; and most recently, revelations that the National Security Agency has been broadly monitoring U.S. phone and Internet records.

The debate over the NSA programs may follow Obama to Western Europe, where privacy laws are stricter than in the U.S. A German government spokesman has said that Merkel will question Obama about the programs.

"The Obama administration will face some awkward conversations in Europe," said Michael Geary, a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center. "Europeans are a little bit miffed on the subject."

Cameron, as the summit host, is pushing an agenda focused heavily on the global economy and trade. He had hoped to announce the launch of negotiations on a broad U.S.-E.U. free trade pact. But those prospects appear to be dimming given French insistence that European film, radio and TV industries be excluded from the negotiations.

The U.S. says nothing should be taken off the table before negotiations even begin.

The other members of the G-8 are Italy, Japan and Canada. Leaders from developing nations, including Libya and Liberia, will join the G-8 leaders at a lunch Tuesday to close the summit.



G-8: https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/g8-2013


Follow Julie Pace at http://twitter.com/jpaceDC

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-06-15-Obama-G-8/id-cb453b9bd5934911b2eac2596fcc629b

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রবিবার, ১৬ জুন, ২০১৩

Finance for startups seminar being held - timesofmalta.com

The Malta Business Bureau, the European Commission Representation in Malta and Bank of Valletta have partnered together to discuss finance for business, particularly start-ups, through the assistance of EU initiatives.

The seminar will give an overview of the availability of finance and types of finance products including debt, grants, banking products and alternative sources of finance for the present and opportunities that are currently being negotiated for the next programming period 2014-2020.

The event will enable startups to learn best practice from EU Commission, European Investment Fund and Bank officials on developing access to finance instruments (financial engineering instruments and grant schemes) through the current and the next programming period.

They will also be briefed on plans and initiatives that the EU Commission DG Enterprise and Industry has in the area of access to finance both through decentralised (member state) and centralised funds (Brussels-based).

Keynote speakers include Joanna Drake, director, promotion of SMEs competitiveness, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission; Bruno Robino, head of region Southern countries, Regional Business Development, European Investment Fund; and Albert Frendo, chief officer credit, Bank of Valletta

The event will take place on June 28 from 9am to 11.30am at the Old University of Malta, St Paul?s Street, Valletta. This event is free to attend. Registration opens at 8.30am.

For further information and registration, send an e-mail to the Malta Business Bureau on [email?protected] or call on 2125 1719.

Source: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130616/business-news/Finance-for-startups-seminar-being-held.474088

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শনিবার, ১৫ জুন, ২০১৩

Donaldsonville explosion: With Southern industrial boom come dangers

Donaldsonville explosion: Chemical plants are safe overall, but where industries are packed closely together, such as in Texas and Louisiana, worries simmer over looming accidents such as the back-to-back explosions in Donaldsonville and Geismar?this week.

By Patrik Jonsson,?Staff writer / June 15, 2013

Workers board a bus in Gonzalez, La., on Thursday to return to a chemical plant to retrieve their cars after an explosion occurred there. The explosion ignited a blaze that killed one person and injured dozens of others, authorities said. Another explosion hit a Donaldsonville plant late Friday.

Gerald Herbert/AP


Back-to-back explosions at chemical plants only miles apart along the Mississippi River have given pause to those who live in the shadows of America?s dirtiest industries.

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On Thursday, an explosion at a chemical plant in Geismar, La., owned by Williams Cos. Inc. led to two deaths and injuries ? some serious ? to dozens of others. Then late Friday, another explosion at a chemical plant just a few miles away in Donaldsonville claimed one life and injured eight people after a nitrogen tank exploded during an offload.

"The incident involved the rupture of an inert nitrogen vessel during the off-loading of nitrogen," a news release from the company, CF Industries, said. "There was no fire or chemical release nor is there any threat or hazard posed to the community."

Hundreds of industrial plants, many that either produce or consume poisonous and explosive chemicals, line rivers and bayous throughout the South, but in few places as heavily as around New Orleans and the Mississippi River.

Some 311 chemical manufacturers employing 15,727 people currently exist in the parishes that line the Mississippi from Baton Rouge to its mouth. That number excludes the large numbers of oil refineries and plastics manufacturers in the area.

To be sure, locals welcome jobs that pay an average of more than $40,000 a year. But explosions like the ones that roiled the river this week remind many of the dangers, both to human life and the environment, such jobs bring.

The explosions this week are ?an example of what it's like to live along a massive petrochemical corridor," Marylee Orr, executive director of the Baton Rouge-based Louisiana Environmental Action Network, told the Associated Press. "It poses a risk to the workers first and then to the community that lives right along the front line."

The explosions also highlight a toxic paradox of one of America?s few examples of economic boom as low natural gas prices and welcoming state regulations spur development in areas already dominated by industrial activity.

The Mississippi River?s span between New Orleans and Baton Rouge ? where the twin explosions occurred Thursday and Friday ? is one example. The other is the petro-corridors hugging the Gulf Coast south of Houston.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/rZy3XJYTsk8/Donaldsonville-explosion-With-Southern-industrial-boom-come-dangers

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Prevention Guidelines For Safe Body Piercings | Free Life

Modern youthfulersters have the halittle bit of getting pierced tinheritor physique elemalests to level out the newest trconclude to completely difexpensemploy s. It could even be regarded as one in all many enggrowing older implyss to impress completely difexpensemploy s. Body modifications have been observe d since historic time interval for various tradvertitional pervarietys and that it has develop to be added frequent betweenststst youthfulersters nowadvertays. After getting pierced for the fundaguystal time, folokayays acquired hookayed on thiyas penetrations for a quantity camakes use of. Piercings could even be seuropean re till or till folokayays apseasonedfessionalfessionalfessional ach for the frequentplaceized artworkworkworkworkworkworkworkists or worokayaystores.

Process of piercings:

After go insideg the specified physique half , a sterilized pine want le is drived compriseed in the physique half and creates a region of interelaxation by way of whiyach gprior ordetime intervalinent is worn into it. Thiyas detime intervalined physique piercing. Usually ear piercing is conclude ed by weaponssizzling whiyach maokayaoptimistic hole on the middle of the ear. But the okayayind of gun need ton?t be used for completely difexpensemploy physique modifications primary ally primary ally as a impact of the truth it wailing smash the flesh and ttruthors and that it could set off a quantity hazardous truthors by inflicting ailguyst and that an illness. Ancompletely difexpensemploy mandatory insortation-line that it is tremalesdoustremconclusionoussuperbst to give some alalnotwithstandingt to earlier than penetrating, checokayay regardmuch less of regardmuch less of no matter if or not the artworkworkworkworkworkworkworkists use sterilized instrumalestss for various physique modifications as a consequence of contaminated instrumalestss have the execspect of have an conclusion impact on ing ailguysts.

How to maokayaye seuropean re physique piercing:

Before maokayaying piercing on the specified physique half , maokayaye partworkworkworkworkworkicular that regardmuch less of regardmuch less of no matter if or not the comprehensive half is cleared with battlemth water to maintain away from hazardous an illnesss. It is as a rule esdespatchedial to checokayay regardmuch less of regardmuch less of no matter if or not the instrumalest is cleared and sterilized to maokayaye use of and whiyach is taokayayen from sterilized pouch for up thus far piercings. Checokayay regardmuch less of regardmuch less of no matter if or not the artworkworkworkworkworkworkworkists is sporting gwant to exeuropean te opintervaltion. Beset off ungcherished fingers could set off sokayayin ailguysts and that an illnesss. It is tremalesdoustremconclusionoussuperbst to exeuropean te mushy piercing by just chopping the specified half with the assist of a small want le primary ally primary ally as a impact of the truth it doesn&#three9;t hurt an intense quantity of. Circulation of up thus far air by way ofout the specified stempo is very esdespatchedial for a quantity beneficial camakes use of.

Symptoms and forelaxationallion levelers:

Whiyale maokayaying physique modifications, it is a need to to docen on each okayayind of infectious ailguysts that frequentplacely take place after modifications. If you speciarecord ise any variety of ache or sseasonedfessionalfessionalpermendacity by way ofout the opepaymalestd half , it is elevated to search the advertelevisionice of with the shut to by good being automobilee automobileeintervalls to maintain away from future ailguysts. Do not taokayaye away the gprior ordetime intervalinent as a consequence of the opening madverte wailing partworkworkworkworkworkicular ly set off septic. It is tremalesdoustremconclusionoussuperbst to use medicines prescrimattress by the good being automobilee automobileeintervalls it wailing carry beneficial cdanglee in your pierced half . If you will even be assumeing to go for piercings, thiyank about distinct truthors whiyach emphysique go insideg one in all identically valued aty wapseasonedfessionalpriate appropriate the adjust toingasoline poisonous metallic for seuropean re piercings and go for steadyized worokayaystores for seuropean re exeuropean tions. Thiyas wailing by some implys forelaxationall of the above camakes use of whiyach as a rule take place. Hope the above sassist levelers wailing be beneficial so as whiyach you will thiyank about earlier than exeuropean ting piercings.

Loookayaying to okayaynow added about tattoos and piercings? Clubtattoo is taokayayen beneath thiyank aboutation to be one in all many licensed speciainsortation in making use of tattoos and physique piercings. To okayaynow added related to the curemploy rs they seasonedfessionalfessionalfessional vide okayayindly go to the net netwebnet web site at http://membershelldeccas quickly asptttoo.com/locations/

Source: http://www.freelife365.com/art-entertainment/tattoos/prevention-guidelines-for-safe-body-piercings-7104.html

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